MDOT Bidding List

ITEM # Plus Description

Letting Date 12/06/2024

Item 002

Description: Bridge reconstruction including removal and replacement, guardrail work and approach work on M-43 over Red Cedar River, Ingham County. This project includes a 2 year warranty on concrete surface coating.

Required DBE Participation: 3.00%


Item 022

Description: 0.71 mi of hot mix asphalt reconstruction, drainage, interchange reconfiguration, non-motorized path construction, traffic signal upgrades, signing, pavement markings, and bridge reconstruction with 48 inch plate girders over I-96 on Fruit Ridge Avenue from 3 Mile Road northerly to Northridge Drive in the city of Walker, Kent County. This project includes two 5 year materials and workmanship pavement warranties and a 2 year surface coating warranty.

Required DBE Participation: 5.00%



**We request that you make an effort to include DBE participation with your quote – subcontractor and/or supplier. Please note on your quote the amount of the DBE participation included. If you are unable to include DBE participation, please include a brief explanation why and any relevant documentation.**

For the type of work we do, below is a sample list of the types of work we are seeking quotes for. Please see specific project proposal for exact list. All DBE companies are welcome to send quotes no matter what the classification especially DBE suppliers that support the below work classifications. While we may not buy specific products, every effort will be made to forward to subcontractors that do.


B – Concrete Pavement

Ba – Concrete Pavement Patching and Widening

Cb – Plant-Mix/Hot Mix Asph/Bituminous Paving

Ea – Grading/Drainage Struct/Aggreg. Const.

Fb – Structural Steel

H – Landscape

I – Seeding/Sodding/Turf Establishment

J – Misc. Concrete

K – Sewer/Watermains

L – Electrical

N2- Clearing

N3 – Pavement Marking

N4 – Bridge Painting

N6 – Permanent Signs

N7 – Waterproofing

N93A – Pavements-Cold Milling

N93C – Pavements – Concrete Sawing

N94B – Drainage – Sewer Inspections

N96L – General – Guardrail

N96M – General Fence

RJ – Trucking Heavy Construction Material

SCS – Surveying: Construction Staking


Plans and proposals for projects are available at: or can be requested by contacting our office.


Submit Quotes by fax to 231-845-0422 or by email to [email protected] Please clearly note on quote the seven-digit bid item number and project description.


Quotes are due by Friday 12/06/2024 at 8:00 am. Quotes received after 8am on bid day may not be accepted.


If you have any questions or wish to discuss this project further please contact us at 231-845-1236.